2024-01-23 14:52:19 -

2024-01-06 21:44:20 -

2024-01-06 20:47:01 -

2024-01-10 23:26:43 -

2024-01-19 09:16:31 -

2024-01-16 10:48:31 -
正品 材质工艺:正品无误,使用方便,好评

2024-01-10 20:53:53 -

2024-01-26 14:10:07 -

2024-01-15 21:08:04 -

2024-01-02 03:14:21 -


離開台北,我們的下一站瞄準了台中。這次專門赴台觀光,計劃逆時針繞行寶島,除了大城市,也想看看鄉鎮與農村,台中市便是時鐘上的 9。





台北站,其實是台北交通樞紐總站的簡稱,在這同一處有台北高鐵站(動車)、台鐵台北站(火車)、台北捷運台北站(地鐵)、桃園捷運台北站(地鐵)、客運台北中轉站(長途汽車),所以 Devil in the details,不仔細就會弄錯。好在整個位於地下的台北站,標識牌十分清楚,只要弄清楚了這些區別,就不是問題。我們到達台北捷運站之後,拖着行李,跟着地下路標的指引,不知不覺便到了地面上的台北客運中轉站。











既然是國家風景區,日月潭的變化一定是巨大的,人工建造的服務於遊客的設施應運而生。沿湖所建的步道令人印象深刻,真正走路的人並不多,大概環湖步道距離太遠吧,所見皆為奇單車的遊人。有成群的年輕人,有對對伉麗,有雙親帶着小孩的家庭, ……。附近有很多租車鋪,可以感覺到,他們的生意很旺。單車的種類極多,單人、雙人以及適合家庭使用的四人腳踏車,應有盡有,而且基本上都有電力驅動功能,實在是方便適用。

遊船從水社碼頭一啓航,村民船長便生動又詼諧地介紹起日月潭,一會兒右岸,一會兒左岸,景點連連,滿船遊人腦袋像撥琅鼓似的左右轉動。蔣介石和宋美齡曬狗糧,也在他編的故事中。他居然一超越村民的智慧,問大家,日月潭是淡水還是咸水,有老實人答曰,淡水。恭喜你答對了,不過,話峰一轉,船長秀幽默了。日月潭水一年三百六十四天都是淡水,只有一天不同,快要來臨的中秋節,日月潭會舉辦盛大游泳活動,上萬人參加,你以為他們會上岸去廁所嗎 ?這個船長,有點痞。
沒有打算與僧人為伴,不出一個小時,我們再次登船。遊船第二停靠,伊達邵。老街是像模像樣的旅遊景點,有民宿、小食、酒店。自然我們又是沿街,胡吃一番,實在難忍美食的誘惑。買蝦片似的炸薯片時,看到大大的一袋,便叫領導挑小的買一袋嘗嘗滋味就是了,怕吃不完。老闆娘白我一眼,告訴領導,說人家姑娘們一口氣要吃八袋。這麼好吃 ?但真看不出丁點她想兜售的意思。



那天正好看到網紅奶黃發布新視頻,她帶自己的媽媽歐陽珊去遊日月潭。歐陽珊是美國人 Kim Cassidy 的中文名字,她年輕時離家出走,去了中國北京學漢語,輾轉來到台灣,既會漢語又有歌唱天賦的 Kim,與吉它彈唱手台灣人黃崇校搭擋,歌廳獻唱賺取生活費用,日後又嫁給黃崇校為妻。偶然被電視台《五燈獎》音樂選秀節目制作人發掘,曾是五燈獎五度五關得主,後來又參加台灣八大電視旗下八大綜合台制作的針對台灣人外籍媳婦的訪談節目《WTO姐妹會》拍攝,出鏡頻繁,因此成為台灣娛樂屆的 Celebrity。

一出捷運北屯總站,眼前便是 Costco,正好同事格利戈裡行前曾讓我拍張台灣 Costco 的照片,滿足他的好奇心,我也不知道為什麼他有這種想法。正好完全這個任務,我們也可以看看台灣 Costco 有什麼不同。
不同的地方真不少,首先是入場的大門。充滿摩托(台灣稱機車)的停車場是室內建築,賣商品的場地在地下室,需要通過窄窄的 Escalator 才能進入,出場也是,所以購物車的車輪必須要有剎車裝置,才能 Hold 住裝滿貿物的 Shopping cart。他們到是不興在你出門時,查收據並煞有介事地划上一勾。
台灣 Costco 的貨物都是目標當地巿場的消費者,Costco 在當地採購,換上自己設計的包裝,從而創造品牌,還真的與當地產品不一樣。但絕對與美國 Costco 銷售的產品也不一樣,這就不止是包裝了,在美國你絕對買不到那樣的內容。
台中 Costco
在飯店附近瞎逛時,看到一處小小的公園,他們叫它秋紅谷景觀生態公園。生態容易理解,應該是那些花草、魚鵝,而景觀,則可能是指周圍的高樓吧。公園位於鬧市之中,因為是上班時間,只有幾個園丁在工作。雖然沒有人流,但有水流,雖然是人工營造的。而動物們卻當真的似的,魚兒、烏龜、黒天鵝,牠們完全不知人類的用心。在台中看到了黑天鵝,可是卻未見灰犀牛,它去大陸啦 ?
吃過太多街邊食,遂決定來點正規的。離下榻的飯店幾步之遙,看到一大面黑色玻璃幕牆外,名叫萬客什鍋的餐廳,有很多人排隊等待。推門入內才知道是一家韓式火鍋店,於是領了電子叫號器,坐等我們那只瘋狂顫抖。等候時間隨便掃了一看進餐者,誰能找出個老人來看看 ?

萬客什鍋食客估計年齡 < 30

饗食天堂 Sashimi
to be continued ……

A little hard to break in. After that I was well pleased.
- Guam

I love these shoes. This is my 3rd pair of them. Very comfortable
- Switzerland

They arrived quickly and as described.... I like the comfort and the colors....
- Singapore

FAST shipping, product as advertised and on my feet as I type this !No issues 100% happy.
- Singapore

These are the the most comfortable shoes and my second pair of this particlar model. I wore the first out.
- Liberia

I ordered these for my husband who needed black shoes for work. He says they are very comfortable and fit perfectly!
- Switzerland

Love these! Perfect shoes for a letter carrier! Pair these with happystep memory foam insoles and you get to walk on pillows all day!
- Switzerland

WOW!!! Love NIKE!!! Just perfect for my feet!! Love this shoes, you can ware them as casual dressing or for cross training!!! It is like walking on AIR!!!!
- Switzerland

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Switzerland

I have bought this same shoe for years so I already know they fit me well. They are comfortable and last a long time. So it's all about price and delivery which are both superior on .Com. I love em! (The shoes that is.)
- Switzerland

2024-01-04 00:07:28--
Came with a small dent on the box but that’s okay. Got here on time (Texas) . ordered on the Nov. 14 Received on Nov. 21 . This was my fist time ever ordering on this app and i’m very satisfied 💖👍🏻! will order again 🔜

2024-01-04 00:04:13--
fast shipping ...OK quality. ..I've seen better and heavier material ...it's OK for price ...not AAA

2024-01-04 00:03:42--
The bag has arrived on time and well packed. The gem is the box that in this case is included in the price and not separately (it definitely makes its figure!) Too bad that the portfolio part seems to have been cut by hand ... fortunately I don't care about it because it remains so much inside the bag! Overall, the bag is nice and well done. Definitely a whim to take off without being bleeding 💸 However, it has a strong plastic smell, I will have to keep it in the air before wearing it. My score is 3 stars precisely for the defect of the wallet, even if I do not exclude that I could reorder a little bit from this seller!

2024-01-04 00:00:39--
This bag is beautiful!!!! The metal straps feel like real metal and not super cheap. The “VSL” was protected with a covering. Packaging was great, the purse is beautiful!!!! For the price, you can’t beat it! Totally Recommend!

2024-01-03 23:59:42--
Good quality

2024-01-03 23:57:57--
Beautiful, great wallet!

2024-01-03 23:53:49--
As described , absolutely obsessed with this bag. Can’t tell the difference

2024-01-03 23:52:19--
Nice handbag not an exact copy but still love it. Had a problem with the middle purse insert zip but they company have sent out a new one.

2024-01-03 23:51:07--
Beautiful quick shipping!

2024-01-03 23:49:47--
Ordered this wallet on the 1st and just came in today, the 18th. Has a strong plastic smell, small flaw in stitching. Overall good quality, does not feel cheap. Will definitely order again. I gave 3 stars for communication, since I did note and asked seller to send pictures but seller never responded.

2024-01-03 23:49:44--
This was my first time ordering on this app and I am 100% happy with my purchase. The texture is there, the feel is great! The color is on the dot. The box is in new condition and so is it’s inside packaging. The birthday boy literally asked me “when did you have time to go to LV?” Will definitely be ordering from this seller again. The item took exactly a month (maybe a week sooner) to be received in South America!

2024-01-03 23:48:52--
This looks so good! Excellent quality and detail. The names and numbers are stitched stunning!

2024-01-03 23:46:41--
It took nearly half a month to arrive in the United States, but this was expected and well worth waiting for. The quality is much better than many other bags I purchased from DHgate in the past, and it feels very comfortable to touch. I believe this bag can last for a long time. Absolutely recommended!!!

2024-01-03 23:46:22--
I ordered this bag roughly around a month ago, but with all whatamp;apos;s going on I am still impressed it was that quick. Time goes super fast anyway. It came in a dust bag which was lov

2024-01-03 23:29:28--
Didn’t get the Size I asked for 😏 but it’s pretty

2024-01-01 01:41:07--
It looks beautiful, but it's not fit my finger

2024-01-01 00:50:39--
Beautiful ring but know your size. I got mine too small so I can’t really wear it but it will be a beautiful gift for someone else.

2024-01-01 00:48:08--

2024-01-01 00:47:08--

2024-01-01 00:46:20--
Very unsatisfied

2024-01-01 00:45:47--
Bad quality had to stitch together myself on the pocket not worth my money

2024-01-01 00:44:45--
Real review / \ the shirt came in a good time I washed a few times and it still feels new

2024-01-01 00:44:27--
loved the bottoms perfect Material just a but small but satisfied 💯🔥

2024-01-01 00:44:22--
Very nicee

2024-01-01 00:42:27--
Very good quality, fast delivery, it arrived in 15 days. I will buy again!

2024-01-01 00:42:00--
Perfect seller. I’m a real buyer form the UK. The quality is good and it only took 2 weeks to arrive. I would recommend!

2024-01-01 00:39:14--
Shoes are excellent, the seller kept in touch and i am very happy with what I received. Look forward to doing business again.

2024-01-01 00:38:43--
100% satisfied.

2024-01-01 00:36:56--
Logistics transportation is very fast, very satisfied

2024-01-01 00:34:23--
Wow I am amazed and there are no words how beautiful they are. I would attach photos I am from Florida and the order took 3 weeks. I had no problems and seller is very helpful all the time. Thank you so much!

2024-01-01 00:33:16--
cute shoes. I love them

2024-01-01 00:32:48--
Would definitely order again came super quick probably two weeks total

2024-01-01 00:31:19--
I loved! They arrived in the USA in two weeks. Communication with the seller was excellent. Very happy with my purchase just what I expected

2024-01-01 00:29:12--
Real broski just know a men US 11 is a 44

2024-01-01 00:27:21--
Super cute and comfy! Would recommend getting your actual size bc i sized up and fit just a little big however good quality and super cute!

2024-01-01 00:24:36--

2024-01-01 00:24:31--
Very nice! Thank you

2024-01-01 00:24:08--
Exactly as expected.

2024-01-01 00:23:30--
good quality good seller

2024-01-01 00:23:30--
good quality good seller

2024-01-01 00:21:24--
Good enough product for the price

2024-01-01 00:21:00--
came very fast, excellent quality

2024-01-01 00:19:42--
Looks great. Can't wait to buy more

2024-01-01 00:19:40--
Exact look alike. Will order again

2024-01-01 00:19:03--
Logistics is fast and shopping is enjoyable

2024-01-01 00:17:49--
Great condition Just like the real ones !

2024-01-01 00:17:48--
I like it very much and will buy it again.

2024-01-01 00:16:23--
amazing 👏 I am from the UK and these are amazing

2024-01-01 00:13:51--
Shoes arrived and were as expected! Will order again. Good shipping time!

2024-01-01 00:11:42--
They are ok.

2024-01-01 00:10:29--
Poor Replica.

2024-01-01 00:09:12--
Decent, Was an Adidas Jersey not a Mitchell and Ness.

2024-01-01 00:07:26--
very satisfast

2024-01-01 00:06:26--
The wife loved it thanks guys!

2024-01-01 00:05:58--
Fast shipping. Reliable and dependable

2024-01-01 00:04:22--
The store has been in the collection for a while, but it is the first time I bought it. Generally speaking, I am quite satisfied.

2023-12-15 14:29:19--
Amazing sports top, exactly like the real thing. Labels and all of the lulu lemon emblems.

2023-12-15 14:28:19--

2023-12-15 14:27:00--
Good quality and in oerfect state in addition to rapid delivery

2023-12-15 14:22:19--
Very Satisfied

Displaying 61 to 120 (of 814 reviews)

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